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MAY 2022

I’ll be honest. When it comes to Harry Potter I’m a complete muggle. I haven’t read any of the books or even watched a single movie.

You see, I’ve no interest in wands and wizards. But I do love a good “rags to riches” story. And that’s exactly what JK Rowling has.

A penniless single mum claiming benefits, she wrote the first Harry Potter book sitting in Edinburgh cafes with her baby in the pram next to her.

Twenty-five years on from its first release, the world of Harry Potter has been transformed into the highest-grossing movie franchise of all time. Today JK Rowling, although no longer a billionaire, is still richer than the Queen of England.

The books and movies have made their money of course, but then there’s all the merchandise, the theme park and the studio tour too. It must be crazy for JK. Imagine creating a story, building a world inside your head and seeing it literally brought to life – not only through the films but you can walk through Diagon Alley, visit the wizarding bank of Gringotts and shop in Hogsmede.

All once just figments of JK’s imagination. There’s no denying she’s achieved incredible success. But it wasn’t an easy journey. Like all great business people, JK had to show determination, perseverance and grit.

You see, Harry Potter wasn’t snapped up by the first publisher she took it to. Or the second. Or the third. In fact, JK Rowling’s idea was rejected by 12 publishing houses before Bloomsbury finally gave it a shot. That’s 12 rejection letters. 12 disappointments. 12 opportunities for JK to curl up and quit. But she didn’t.

Now, you might not be the next JK Rowling. You might not have a story to write or a blockbuster movie (or 8!) inside you. But you do have the opportunity to make your business great if you take a leaf out of JK’s book. Ignore the naysayers and keep going after your goals – no matter how many times the world tells you no.