Fancy A Megapint?
MAY 2022
Every now and then there’s a story that sweeps social media and captures the attention of millions all over the world.
This month it’s the trials and tribulations (and actual defamation trial) of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. It’s a bit of a he said/she said situation.
Amber claims Johnny was abusive. Johnny claims Amber was the abuser.

The trial is totally public. Anyone and everyone can stream it live into their living rooms and listen to all the nitty-gritty details. And the internet is enthralled.
Now, domestic violence is no joke. But this trial is somewhat comical. From the overacting and obvious fabrications to the complete cock ups by the layers and witty video mash-ups created by viewers online
My personal favourite clips are the “megapint of wine”, Amber’s lawyer objecting to his own question and a very long and confusing discussion about muffins! Yep, you read that right. Muffins. The whole thing is a mockery.
Now, you’re probably wondering “Why on earth would anyone do that? Why drag up the past and air your dirty laundry in public?” Because reputation matters in business. It doesn’t matter if it’s show business or the freight industry, what people know about you, think about you and hear about you can make or break your career.
It’s an important lesson to remember. Now, as a freight forwarder, you’re not nearly in the limelight as much as a celebrity. It’s unlikely anything you do or say will go viral on social media. But your reputation is what brings you customers, builds your business and keeps your clients coming back time and time again.
So how can you protect your reputation? Underpromise and overdeliver, have integrity, care about your customers and handle every complaint with kindness. Don’t chop anyone’s finger off, avoid megapints of wine and whatever you do – don’t give anyone any muffins!.