A mixed bag …
January 2023
Well, well, well… It seems it’s that time again. As is my tradition, for my last email of the year I like to do a little roundup of the year just passed. It’s always good to stop, reflect and remember before moving on to pastures new…
After the chaos and calamity of 2020 and 2021, many of us went into 2022 a little apprehensive, unsure of what to expect.
For many, 2022 has been vastly more positive than the previous two, in many countries the lockdowns have been put behind us and a level of normality has returned. For others, I’m aware it’s been fraught with challenges, despair and danger… Every year brings its own unique ups and downs, so what did we see in 2022?

2022 was a mixed bag – just like every year before, and I suspect, every year to come. It brought good and bad, happy and sad, calm and chaos… I could talk about all the things the news call “notable” like…
The war in Ukraine
The sky-high inflation rates
The record-breaking heat waves, floods and droughts around the world
I could talk about the political turmoil (as embarrassing as it may be) here in the UK. I mean, I’ve never seen anything quite like it… I could mention the loss of the Queen, the surging energy prices or the fact that (once again) football isn’t coming home to England. But that’s all a little doom and gloom for my liking. I prefer to focus on the positives. So what good did 2022 bring?
Well, technology and science saw some significant leaps.
The first images from the James Webb Space Telescope gave us some incredible, never-before-seen images of the cosmos.
Gene therapies advanced significantly in 2022 resulting in treatment for previously untreatable genetic disorders.
We had some great news for the environment too…
Humpback whales are making a comeback. With only 10,000 left at its lowest point, the population has bounced back to nearly 80,000, as of 2022.
523 acres of California redwood forest were returned to a group of Native American tribes.
The first offshore wind farm has been approved in the UK and Tokyo made solar panels mandatory for all new builds from 2025.
On a personal level, 2022 has been a pretty positive year for me and Millennium Cargo. I’ve had a few bumps along the way (a few grotty flu bugs mostly) but I’ve been able to get back to travelling the world to meet with our partners and customers. We’ve continued to grow and continued to deliver excellent service too. Millennium is stronger than ever.
As the year comes to an end, I’m grateful for the opportunities it brought me, and for everyone who was a part of it. Family, friends, partners, customers, clients and colleagues… I couldn’t have done it without you.
So how about you? What did 2022 bring you? Was it a year of positivity or a challenge you’re glad to leave behind you? Share your stories… I really do love to read them.